Ce Martinez is a painter, illustrator and designer.
Living in the High Desert of Southern California, the environment has taken influence on the art of Ce Martinez. Blending Old Master and modern illustration techniques, Ce Martinez aims to create timeless pieces that blur the lines between classical narrative, illustration and pure aesthetic design.
The stories told through decorative details or personalized and universal narratives are weaved with the classical visuals of Caravaggio and 17th century masters, and the 20th century adornments of Kenyon Cox and Dean Cornwell. Taking inspiration from a vast library of artists; Ce’s work, driven by multiple mediums, spans a large spectrum of visual story telling.
"As a painter, I desire to create visuals that narrate universal stories for all walks of life. To create a powerful visual experience while examining the triumphs and horrors of nature and humanity. I aim to add perplex thought to an image by considering the story telling of the whole composition down to the small details."
- Ce Martinez